Exciting new Monster Play Park at the Village Centre Recreation Ground
Published: 15 May 2023
Broadbridge Heath Parish Council are very pleased to update you regarding the long-awaited new Monster Play Park to be installed at the Village Centre Recreation field.
This playpark has been funded by Section 106 funding. Section 106 funding is paid by developers and is used on community infrastructure projects. There was allocated S106 funds specifically allocated for improving access and improving and expanding equipment at the Village Centre.
This project proposal commenced back in 2018. The monster concept was derived because of the Frankenstein story written by Mary Shelley, wife of the late poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, who was born at Field place.
The tender process was carried out and awarded to Kompan. The final design was agreed by Council in summer 2019 with a formal order placed in September 2019. The design was shared with Shelley School by Cllr Christine Knight and the final design will include bespoke monsters designed by children from the school.
Due to the location of the playpark, some challenges arose with the access to the site and the installation requirements which meant that a new vehicular access was required. Added to this Covid delays, increase in material costs, road layout changes and therefore road license requirements the project has hit some considerable delays and challenges out of the Parish Council’s control. We were delighted when the new access was finally completed in January this year, and we could commence installation plans!
The design has been slightly tweaked from the original to now include a footpath from the new access meaning that it can be easily accessed from the shared footpath. It is also planned for this new access to be gated, for both pedestrians and vehicle access for maintenance requirements. The design does include keeping some of the existing pieces of play equipment but also lots of new pieces including a new Multi-spinner Carousel and 3-Seater Carousel seen in the design image below.
We are excited to share that the installation is planned to commence week commencing 22nd May (weather and grounds permitting) and will last approximately 6 weeks. Whilst we recognise the playpark will be closed for the May half term it is hoped to be completed for the school summer holidays!
Any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We hope you share the Councils excitement for this new playpark.