All Parish Council meetings start at 7:30pm and all Committee meetings start at 7:45pm, unless otherwise stated. All meetings are held at the new Parish Office, situated on Sargent Way. They also:
- include a public session at the beginning of the meeting for up to 15 minutes, during which any local resident and the press has a right to attend and may address the Council on relevant issues. A warm welcome is extended to all parishioners of Broadbridge Heath. If you wish to speak to the Council during the public session, no notice is required: you may simply turn up at the appropriate time. It would, however, assist the Council in preparing for the issue you wish to raise, if you were able to advise the Clerk in advance.
- are open to the public, who may listen to the Council's discussions (but may not participate, except by invitation). If you merely wish to sit in on the Council meeting, please simply turn up at any time during the meeting. Discussion of particular agenda items involving confidential or legal issues may be closed to the press and public. These will normally be placed towards the end of the agenda.
Calendar of meetings for 2024