
The Parish Council receives, from the planning authority, details of planning applications within the parish boundaries as a consultee. Responses are collated and either agreed at Parish Council meetings, or via delegations, and submitted back to the planning authority. Details are logged in the below spreadsheet (updated monthly).

Broadbridge Heath Parish Council responses to planning application consultations 2024 

 Last updated 03.10.2024

Broadbridge Heath Parish Council responses to planning application consultations 2023 

Broadbridge Heath Parish Council's submitted response to the Horsham District Local Plan Regulation 19 Consultation 

For more information on planning and to search planning applications on HDC Planning Portal, please use the link below:
To search planning applications on WSCC Planning Portal please use this link:



Tree Preservation Orders - TPOs
For details of trees with Tree Preservation Orders, please contact the Parish Clerk. 


If you see surgery being carried out to a tree that you suspect has a TPO, please contact the Parish Clerk immediately or the Arboriculturalist at Horsham District Council on 01403 215515.

DC/23/1133 - Broadbridge Retail Park