Photography Competition Results

Published: 25 November 2020

Our Beautiful Village – Photography Competition

This summer we held “Our Beautiful Village” Photography Competition. Residents were asked to submit any image that captured the beauty of Broadbridge Heath. We were delighted to receive many entries showcasing our landscape and wildlife, and it has been a great way to engage with members of our community.

It was a difficult decision, but the 3 Winning entries were as follows:

Manasvi Praveen – Winner of the Junior Category.

A beautiful photo taken from her home in the Wickhurst Green development.

Craig Murton – Winner of the Adult Category.


A stunning photo taken of the Church using a long exposure capturing the light on the Church and showcasing the sky and stars.

Steve Fielder – Highly Commended in the Adult Category.


Taken on the 20th July at 5.53am; a photo capturing the landscape behind Mill House by Broadbridge Farm.

Congratulations to our 3 winners and a huge thanks to everyone that got involved and shared their beautiful images!

The Winners photos have already been shared on our Facebook page. They will also be displayed and take a proud place in our new Parish Office when it is acquired.

There were many beautiful images entered so with the photographer’s permission we will continue to share many of these on our Facebook page over the next few months, so please Like and Follow our page to enjoy these photos and other Parish Council news and updates.