WSCC Highways update

Published: 11 February 2025

Update from WSCC Highways Major Projects Project Manager – 7th February 2025 (published 11th Feb 2025)
WSCC has been in discussion with Videalert for the re-commissioning of the CCTV Bus Gate camera, and they will be checking the current working of the equipment and advising of any maintenance issues. 
Before it can go ‘live’ WSCC needs to conduct further Community Engagement (DfT requirement under our new powers) and the approach and planning for this is underway with colleagues at WSCC and I am in liaison with them, the recent announcement on the ‘Devolution’, which has postponed the May County elections, could assist on speeding this up.
On the Neighbourhood Centre Car Park bollards to close through movement, WSCC sought advice from Horsham DC if the change needed planning permission; unfortunately it does.  WSCC has agreement from the Landowner to prepare and submit an application, on their behalf, and I have internal approval to move this forward. I am arrange some technical and drawing support with colleagues at the moment.  However, before we could implement a scheme we do need a legal agreement in place with the Landowner to allow the initial works, but also to ensure future maintenance is kept up and that any transfer, or sale, of the land requires the continued maintenance of the barrier.  Again, I have internal agreement to move this legal agreement forward and have discussions ongoing with colleagues on the drafting of an agreement.
On the Sargent Way, although we have the ANPR and our previous discussions, I have not been able to move this forward as quickly as I would have liked.  However, I expect we will need to do something alongside the bus gate ANPR Camera engagement to get an idea of the local communities ‘appetite’ for a partial closure of Sargent Way.
Further update received 27th November 2024:
WSCC highways team have been progressing further discussions with Elmdon RE and are hopefully to reach agreement on the segregation of the car park, subject to legal agreement and, we now understand, the need for a planning application to Horsham DC to alter the layout, which WSCC will be in discussion with HDC to confirm details and timelines; Elmdon RE have agreed that WSCC can submit an application on their behalf.
The WSCC bus gate camera decision has been agreed and the highways team is now examining the next steps in the restart of activation, communication and signing requirements and WSCC have been in touch with the supplier / installer for the equipment to agree for a site check and maintenance update.
Following the meeting with BBH PC and the last update, WSCC Highways colleagues have been contacted about the Broadbridge Way intervention options to seek to tackle the through route movements, and feedback is awaited from the wide highways team.
At the moment, WSCC is unable to confirm an in-person open meeting in January/February next year, and it might be best to discuss further potential interventions with local Horsham DC and BBH PC Councillors to agree next steps on wider engagement first.
WSCC Highways Team Note to BBH PC for 4th November Parish Meeting – Issued SR 30/10/2024 (published 12th November 2024)
Following the recent meeting with the Parish Council on the 14th October, where the meeting reviewed the summer traffic data and discussed the driver abuse of the private car park, bus gate and the through traffic flows on Sargent Way. The County Highways team outlined that it would continue to work towards seeking resolutions for these three key issues.
It is likely that these three areas will be worked through in parallel, on the car park, where recent engagement through a new property agent has seen positive feedback; that a new policy for camera enforcement of bus gates is moving forward in the next few months, and options for closing through traffic movement on Sargent Way will now be examined in further detail.
The highway authority will provide a further update for the Parish Council’s December meeting and organise a ‘drop-in’ session, at the Parish rooms, either in January or February 2025 depending on the progress of the investigations and policy processes.
The highway authority, along with the planning authority and the parish council recognise that there are public frustrations with the length of time that interventions can take, this is a challenging and unique situation where potential solutions will have impacts on the area and on vehicle movements and therefore careful consideration is needed. However, highway safety is the highest priority for the County highways team and tackling the vehicle abuse of the private car park, and the interactions with the many pedestrians, especially children on their way to school, remains the key problem to address, along with the abuse of the bus gate.
Tackling the through traffic movements on Sargent Way also continues to be a focus for the highway authority, but interventions here will take longer to formalise and be subject to wider community engagement.