Message from the Parish Council

Published: 05 August 2024

Message to Residents

It has been just over a year since the Monster Play Park was opened and it has been positive for the Parish Council to see how popular the play area is and being enjoyed by many.

Unfortunately, there have been some challenges along the way.

  • Continued misuse of the parasol swing may result in irreparable damage and the wrapping of the chains and swings around the bars is causing excessive wear and tear.
  • There has been damage to other items which have had to be replaced, including one of the larger swings.
  • There has been a huge increase in litter and waste left which has been unnecessary, with plenty of space left in the bins. 

The Parish Council in the short term is paying for the Monster Play Park to be litter-picked but this is not a long-term solution.

We have requested support from our Police Community Support Officers to attend the village’s play areas, particularly over the summer months.

Fires and BBQs are dangerous and cause severe damage and mess – some which may be irreparable.

This is crucial for all our open spaces and play areas: please can we ask residents to support the Parish Council in reporting Antisocial behavior to the Police and sharing this wider message with members of your households to help support keep our village and play areas enjoyable, safe and clean.

Thank you