Encampment at Village Centre Recreation Ground

Published: 09 October 2023

18th October 2023


Following the departure of the traveller encampment yesterday, all the relevant authorities were informed. The Fire Service attended site yesterday evening, followed by the Litter and Cleansing team from HDC early this morning, who thoroughly cleared all waste and litter from the site. Parish Council Officers attended the site to risk assess. The minor damage to the recreation ground will not impact football play and the Monster Play area remains open. This afternoon our grounds maintenance contractor attended site for regular maintenance and we have scheduled for a contractor to attend site to remove the vegetation that remains on the perimeter of the ground. We have also arranged works, having taken advice from the county authority, to add further security measures, and repair the gate at the new vehicular access. Please note this access is required for use by servicing vehicles. 


17th October 2023


 We continue to work with the authorities in relation to the encampment at the Village Centre Recreation Ground. WSCC applied, on our behalf, for a court hearing on Monday 9th October and we await a date from the court. We are in constant liaison with the police and the Chief Inspector is currently reviewing related reports of any anti-social behaviour and the community impact in relation to the cancellation of events, such as football matches at the site, to determine whether to authorise police powers.

Please can we remind residents to ensure any issues of anti-social behaviour are reported correctly by visting Report | Sussex Police or by calling 101.  


9th October 2023 

Regarding the encampment at the Village Centre Recreation Ground, all occupants were served a Section 77 notice of eviction on Friday 6th October, requiring them to leave the site within 24 hours. As they have failed to vacate the site, action is being sought via the courts. We continue to monitor the situation with the authorities and West Sussex Police. Please ensure any issues relating to anti-social behaviour are reported through the correct channels, by calling 101 or reporting online at Report antisocial behaviour | Sussex Police.