Future of former School Site
Published: 18 May 2023
Earlier this year, our District Councillors invited the Parish Council to give consideration to the potential ideas for the future use of the land intended for the new school in Broadbridge Heath, on the Wickhurst Green Development. The Parish Council met on Monday 3rd April and considered a conceptual design, following collation of members’ ideas. The design can be found HERE and supporting details HERE.
The Parish Council formally responded to the invitation, submitting this visionary conceptual design, and wish to share this with the community for feedback and comment. Feedback will be collated and fed back to all relevant parties.
*Please note this is a visionary concept and no decisions as yet have been reached by the District Planning Authority (HDC), Department for Education (WSCC), or the developer’s (CPPLC), who remain in ownership of the land at present).