Top Common Maintenance

Published: 02 March 2022

Top Common Seasonal Habitat Management

Seasonal habitat management work is scheduled for the week commencing 7 March to cut and remove the dead growth from last summer’s wildflowers and brambles at the Top Common Nature Area in Byfleets Lane. This work, which is carried out annually, is required to ensure that the new season’s growth of wildflowers is not shaded out.

Top Common was sown with a native wildflower seed mix as few years ago by local volunteers to help increase the biodiversity of the area and to provide a good source of nectar and pollen for a wide range of insects including butterflies, moths, bees and hoverflies, some of which, in turn, provide food for bats and many species of birds. 

We leave the dead flower heads over winter as they too provide food for seed-eating birds such as Goldfinches. Another species, the Marsh Tit, which is a Red List conservation priority in the UK, is also a regular visitor taking advantage of these seeds during the colder, winter months.

As Spring gets underway, a succession of beautiful wildflowers will gradually emerge and last year these included Cowslips, Ragged Robin, Red Campion, Hedge Woundwort, Knapweed, Hemp Agrimony and Devil’s Bit Scabious!

Volunteers to help with the ongoing management of the Top Common area are always welcome to join our small team.  

If you are interested, please contact the Olivia, Assistant Clerk at

Further information on the area can be found on the newly installed Information Board.